Samsung Galaxy SII/2 Lock Screen won't work + solutions (2) in the description!

January 19, 2020

Samsung Galaxy SII/2 Lock Screen won't work + solutions (2) in the description!. How to Install PACman ROM for the Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-i9100

Samsung Galaxy SII/2 Lock Screen won't work + solutions (2) in the description! video duration 2 Minute(s) 11 Second(s), published by TheMeisterManuel on 20 01 2013 - 15:20:27.

I flashed my friend's phone cuz it got problems and now it can't lock
(SOLVED) GT-I9100 EUR Version Andriod: 4.0.4 ICS SOLUTION 1: Use the dial pad and A Review of the JellyBam ROM 8.3 for the Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-i9100 Article: Don't forget to click the like button and subscribe button on top, it only takes a .

Scrolling and back-forward buttons working without any hassle
My first test, so mind the erratic movements, just trying out what works and what dowsn't True Hybrid rom with per app dpi settings CM10 based with CM10 kernel changelog: ParanoidPreferences 3.0 Edit your workspace settings and much more How to Install the PACman ROM for the Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-i9100
Full Guide: .

I flashed my friend's phone cuz it got problems and now it can't lock. (SOLVED)
GT-I9100 EUR Version
Andriod: 4.0.4 ICS

Use the dial pad and enter the following code with * and #
* # 87976633 #
Someone in the comments mentioned this
It worked for me by entering this code

SOLUTION 2: (Copied from a website I found)

Other Video about Samsung Galaxy SII/2 Lock Screen won't work + solutions (2) in the description!:

Samsung Galaxy S II GT-I9100 PARANOID ANDROID v2.10 Jelly bean Cyanogenmod 10 hybrid android 4.1.1

Samsung Galaxy S II GT-I9100 PARANOID ANDROID v2.10 Jelly bean Cyanogenmod 10 hybrid android 4.1.1

True Hybrid rom with per app dpi settings CM10 based with CM10 kernel changelog: ParanoidPreferences 3.0 Edit your workspace settings and much more .

How to Install PACman ROM for the Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-i9100

How to Install PACman ROM for the Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-i9100

How to Install the PACman ROM for the Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-i9100
Full Guide: .

JellyBam ROM 8.3 ROM Review for the Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-i9100

JellyBam ROM 8.3 ROM Review for the Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-i9100

A Review of the JellyBam ROM 8.3 for the Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-i9100 Article: Don't forget to click the like button and subscribe button on top, it only takes a .

Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-I9100 + Logitech MX1000 Bluetooth

Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-I9100 + Logitech MX1000 Bluetooth

Scrolling and back-forward buttons working without any hassle
My first test, so mind the erratic movements, just trying out what works and what dowsn't.

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