[Hindi-Audio]-Samsung INR18650-30Q Li-ion Cell for DIY Projects, Power tools, Laptop Battery etc Samsung INR18650 30Q battery tests and Specs review
[Hindi-Audio]-Samsung INR18650-30Q Li-ion Cell for DIY Projects, Power tools, Laptop Battery etc. video duration 3 Minute(s) 50 Second(s), published by BCD Technology on 29 04 2016 - 12:22:47.
BCD Tech -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "Moto G4 Plus Scratch, Bend & Water Resistance Testssssss" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkg28dRJXQ0 http://www.gearbest.com/batteries/pp_241349.html.
This review is for John Grefe over @ Congrevape.com
A little side by side battery comparison of a SonyVTC5 18650 VS a Samsung INR18650 http://www.best18650battery.com/ http://www.lgchem.com/global/main Visit www.blecr.com for "CREW JUICE" IF YOU ARE NEW TO SUB OHM & VAPING Help support the channel by becoming a patron @ https://www.patreon.com/user?ty=h&u=3543640 And find me on social media .
BCD Tech
Please watch: \
Other Video about [Hindi-Audio]-Samsung INR18650-30Q Li-ion Cell for DIY Projects, Power tools, Laptop Battery etc.:

18650 Battery Knowledge for Sub Ohm Vapers, RC, & Electric Bike
http://www.best18650battery.com/ http://www.lgchem.com/global/main Visit www.blecr.com for "CREW JUICE" IF YOU ARE NEW TO SUB OHM & VAPING .
Samsung INR18650 30Q battery tests and Specs review
Help support the channel by becoming a patron @ https://www.patreon.com/user?ty=h&u=3543640 And find me on social media .
Небольшой Обзор Samsung inr 18650 - 25R battery с Gearbest
Samsung VS Sony VTC5 battery review
This review is for John Grefe over @ Congrevape.comA little side by side battery comparison of a SonyVTC5 18650 VS a Samsung INR18650.
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