Projek smartphone projector. Make A Smartphone Projector with A Shoebox just in 2 Minutes
Projek smartphone projector video duration 2 Minute(s) 40 Second(s), published by nor aina fariha binti taliib on 13 05 2019 - 06:48:55.
Nama kumpulan: Parkel group- set 2 Nama produk : smartphone projector + speaker Nama ahli : 1
Siti NurBaiah Albani (A159869) 2
Nor'Aina Fariha Hj Talib How to make mini projector at home ? Smart Phone Projector
Hi friends ! I am Anjan Ray
In this video, i am showing to you most important project
it's a .
Hello friends, Welcome to "Technical matiu. Like subscribe to me for more videos Please subscribe like Do you know you can make a projector with the help of shoebox and some office supplies? Yes you can it is very simple and easy to make it at your home.
Nama kumpulan: Parkel group- set 2
Nama produk : smartphone projector + speaker
Nama ahli :
1. Siti NurBaiah Albani (A159869)
2. Nor'Aina Fariha Hj Talib (A159915)
3. Nur Fahira Jamalluddin (A158696)
4. Alya Afifah Hanapi ( A159698)
5. Zulhelmi Saari (A161684)
6. Izuddin Ibrahim (A160440)
Nama pensyarah: Puan Rusyda Helma Binti Mohd
Kami telah membina projektor yang dilengkapi dengan pembesar suara. Idea ini telah diambil daripada produk yang sedia ada tetapi kami telah menginovasikannya dengan menambah pembesar suara. Pembesar suara ini diletakkan bertujuan bagi menyelesaikan masalah seperti sistem audio yang rosak ketika penggunaan projektor. Terima kasih.
Other Video about Projek smartphone projector:

DIY Smartphone Projector - How To Make A Shoebox Projector 2019. Like subscribe to me for more videos Please subscribe like .
Make A Smartphone Projector with A Shoebox just in 2 Minutes
Do you know you can make a projector with the help of shoebox and some office supplies? Yes you can it is very simple and easy to make it at your home.
How To Make Mini Projector At Home ? Smart Phone Projector.
How to make mini projector at home ? Smart Phone ProjectorHi friends ! I am Anjan Ray
In this video, i am showing to you most important project
it's a .

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