Ocean Pictures: Universal Scuba Diving Phone Case Review PART 1

January 12, 2020

Ocean Pictures: Universal Scuba Diving Phone Case Review PART 1. Splaks Universal Smartphone Waterproof Case Review

Ocean Pictures: Universal Scuba Diving Phone Case Review PART 1 video duration 7 Minute(s) 1 Second(s), published by Ocean Pictures on 03 12 2017 - 06:24:28.

Hey there fellow Divers and Ocean Enthusiasts! I love photography, and I just bought an underwater phone case/ waterproof housing made by Kraken Sports for CRONA Smartphone Waterproof Case Dry Bag Review Product Link: http://amzn.to/2rxFgCx 【SUPERIOR RESISTANCE】 IPX8 certified waterproof case .

I bought this case off eBay for 50 pence plus free postage but will it protect my phone? I did have to bid for this but I put a bid in at 50p and won so it could easily A quick review of the Meikon 40m 130ft rated housing for 6s Plus (and Float Pro strap)
Float Pro: http://tinyurl.com/jfujotr Underwater Housing: Splaks Universal Smartphone Waterproof Case Review Product Link: http://amzn.to/2b2Ehqh IPX8 Certified to 100 Feet - Offers waterproof / snowproof / dirtproof .

Hey there fellow Divers and Ocean Enthusiasts!

I love photography, and I just bought an underwater phone case/ waterproof housing made by Kraken Sports for my smart phone. It works with Android and iPhone where you can go SCUBA DIVING down to 80m and take pictures and video on the way down. This case turns almost any phone into an underwater camera and dive computer all in one, which is pretty sweet especially cause its universal. This is the first product review video I have made, so I will be testing this phone case thoroughly whilst scuba diving in Thailand!

It comes in two versions and the one I bought is the pro version which displays depth information and dive time while letting you snap photos and video since it has a built in depth sensor.

Retail Price: $470.00 CAD + 7% PST + 5%GST
Total cost: $526.40 CAD
*Note the receipt in the video says $536.48 because I also bought two straps for my mask and snorkel in addition to the underwater phone case

I am not affiliated with Kraken in any way, they have not paid me to do this and I am a genuine customer with a critical mind so my review wont hold back.

My channel is dedicated to shooting underwater cinematography and wildlife photography, and doing it in an affordable low cost way is my goal. This housing seemed like a stellar deal and that is why I bought it so enjoy the review, and of course hit that subscribe button for future videos.

Universal Scuba Diving Phone Case Review PART 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0h4MwpjkSs&t=4s

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/OceanPictures

Shot with:

Samsung Galaxy S7,
ISO: Auto,
Aperture: Auto,
EV: - 0.8,
WB: 2800K,
Focus: Auto,

if you like the footage subscribe, Ill be releasing more.
©Lukasz Szlachta 2016/2017 - all rights reserved

Good For You by THBD https://soundcloud.com/thbdsultan
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/-K_YSjqKgvQ

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iPhone Underwater Housing Review - 40m 130ft

A quick review of the Meikon 40m 130ft rated housing for 6s Plus (and Float Pro strap)
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Splaks Universal Smartphone Waterproof Case Review

Splaks Universal Smartphone Waterproof Case Review Product Link: http://amzn.to/2b2Ehqh IPX8 Certified to 100 Feet - Offers waterproof / snowproof / dirtproof .

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CRONA Smartphone Waterproof Case Dry Bag Review

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I bought this case off eBay for 50 pence plus free postage but will it protect my phone? I did have to bid for this but I put a bid in at 50p and won so it could easily .

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