(NOT SELLING ANY MORE.) Buy the USB Jig - Unbrick Samsung Galaxy S, S2, Captivate, Vibrant and more!

January 02, 2020

(NOT SELLING ANY MORE.) Buy the USB Jig - Unbrick Samsung Galaxy S, S2, Captivate, Vibrant and more!. OSMO Pocket With Micro USB Adapter and 4k60 vs 1080p60 footage

(NOT SELLING ANY MORE.) Buy the USB Jig - Unbrick Samsung Galaxy S, S2, Captivate, Vibrant and more! video duration 3 Minute(s) 45 Second(s), published by Tech Fusions on 17 11 2011 - 16:22:42.

Read this: Due to shipment problems we have stop selling USB Jigs as from the 24/05/2012
The website link will no longer work, sorry any problems this has

The Galaxy S9 comes with an OTG USB Connector to transfer your files from an old smart phone
But it actually can do a lot more! I give you 5 (maybe a few Hey Everyone, Today I'm gonna show you how to make USB JIG Cable for Samsung bricked phones
You can un-brick your Samsung Smartphone easily by So here is the Osmo Pocket working with My Galaxy Note 5 phone by using this adapter
Buy the adapter here: https://amzn.to/2BrSo2d Buy Osmo Pocket here: .

Read this: Due to shipment problems we have stop selling USB Jigs as from the 24/05/2012. The website link will no longer work, sorry any problems this has made. Please carry on supporting our channel by checking out our other videos.

Thank you.

Here is the link to our website where we are selling it, for more information or to buy
Check our Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/TechFusions?feature=mhee

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Other Video about (NOT SELLING ANY MORE.) Buy the USB Jig - Unbrick Samsung Galaxy S, S2, Captivate, Vibrant and more!:

Samsung USB JIG making with diagram ( Un-brick,restore flash with USB easily) | ZM Lab

Samsung USB JIG making with diagram ( Un-brick,restore flash with USB easily) | ZM Lab

Hey Everyone, Today I'm gonna show you how to make USB JIG Cable for Samsung bricked phones
You can un-brick your Samsung Smartphone easily by .

OSMO Pocket With Micro USB Adapter and 4k60 vs 1080p60 footage

OSMO Pocket With Micro USB Adapter and 4k60 vs 1080p60 footage

So here is the Osmo Pocket working with My Galaxy Note 5 phone by using this adapter
Buy the adapter here: https://amzn.to/2BrSo2d Buy Osmo Pocket here: .

Galaxy S9 USB OTG Connector : 5 COOL Things to do with it !

Galaxy S9 USB OTG Connector : 5 COOL Things to do with it !

The Galaxy S9 comes with an OTG USB Connector to transfer your files from an old smart phone
But it actually can do a lot more! I give you 5 (maybe a few .

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