Why I RETURNED my Zhiyun Smooth 4 Gimbal - Honest Review

November 08, 2019

Why I RETURNED my Zhiyun Smooth 4 Gimbal - Honest Review. Zhiyun Smooth 4 Test: Smartphone Gimbal - Hands-on (Deutsch, eng. hints))

Why I RETURNED my Zhiyun Smooth 4 Gimbal - Honest Review video duration 8 Minute(s) 52 Second(s), published by Wade Katarski on 29 04 2018 - 04:02:52.

Hey Everyone, After a few weeks with the zhiyun smooth 4 I realized its a lot of marketing hype, and has a lot of features which I do not think are valuable.. GimbalZHIYUNSMOOTH4 #tranhoanvlogs.

Video Outline: ZHIYUN Smooth 4 Official Tutorial Part one: Jason Wang's Vodeo Tutorial: 0:23 to 1:01 Balancing Phone & Connecting to ZY Play 1:02 to 3:00 .... This video tutorial we are showing you how a perfect balanced mobile gimbal looks like and how to achieve this balance
As an unbalanced mobile gimbal will .... Nachdem der renommierte Hersteller Zhiyum schon einige Kreuzgelenk Stabilisatoren für den Profilbereich auf den Markt brachte, liefert er jetzt die neueste ...

Hey Everyone,
After a few weeks with the zhiyun smooth 4 I realized its a lot of marketing hype, and has a lot of features which I do not think are valuable.

Here are my top 5 reasons for returning the zhiyun smooth 4 review.

1. The tutorials are crap. A lot if influencer hype, however not a lot of true tutorials.

2. The software is super bugy and can not compete with FlimicPro. It also does not work with filmic pro so most of the cool features are useless unless you use the ZY app.

3. It doesnt work with the Samsung S8 Plus. Its hits and is off balance.

4. Cant shoot in 4K like they said.

Other Video about Why I RETURNED my Zhiyun Smooth 4 Gimbal - Honest Review:

How to Perfect Balance a Mobile Gimbal // Zhiyun Smooth 4 // Chung Dha

How to Perfect Balance a Mobile Gimbal // Zhiyun Smooth 4 // Chung Dha

This video tutorial we are showing you how a perfect balanced mobile gimbal looks like and how to achieve this balance
As an unbalanced mobile gimbal will ...

Zhiyun Smooth 4 Test: Smartphone Gimbal - Hands-on (Deutsch, eng. hints))

Zhiyun Smooth 4 Test: Smartphone Gimbal - Hands-on (Deutsch, eng. hints))

Nachdem der renommierte Hersteller Zhiyum schon einige Kreuzgelenk Stabilisatoren für den Profilbereich auf den Markt brachte, liefert er jetzt die neueste ...

Đập hộp Gimbal ZHIYUN SMOOTH 4 chống rung cho điện thoại smartphone

Đập hộp Gimbal ZHIYUN SMOOTH 4 chống rung cho điện thoại smartphone

GimbalZHIYUNSMOOTH4 #tranhoanvlogs.

ZHIYUN Smooth 4 Tutorials/ Video instructions/ Guide

ZHIYUN Smooth 4 Tutorials/ Video instructions/ Guide

Video Outline: ZHIYUN Smooth 4 Official Tutorial Part one: Jason Wang's Vodeo Tutorial: 0:23 to 1:01 Balancing Phone & Connecting to ZY Play 1:02 to 3:00 ...

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