Buying a $15 Smartphone in China | Is it Possible?

November 29, 2019

Buying a $15 Smartphone in China | Is it Possible?. I Bought The Cheapest Smartphone on Amazon...

Buying a $15 Smartphone in China | Is it Possible? video duration 10 Minute(s) 2 Second(s), published by Prateek on 08 07 2018 - 09:42:24.

Today, we run around Huaqiangbei discovering all the hidden (and unhidden) electronics markets
The goal was to try and find a smartphone for USD $15!. Chung Dha teachs how to mount a GoPro or any similar action cams on the Zhiyun Smooth Mobile Phone gimbals without the need of an adapter
Instead of ...

A gimbal is a pivoted support that allows the rotation of an object about a single axis
A set of three gimbals, one mounted on the other with orthogonal pivot axes .... Hey guys this video show you top 5 best powerbank that you can buy on amazon these powerbank have some amazon feature and that is with the helpof these .... Brought to you by Shari's Berries, use promo code "unboxtherapy" for 20% off your Perfectly Paired gift
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Today, we run around Huaqiangbei discovering all the hidden (and unhidden) electronics markets. The goal was to try and find a smartphone for USD $15! Watch the video to find out how we did!

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Brought to you by Shari's Berries, use promo code "unboxtherapy" for 20% off your Perfectly Paired gift
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Mounting Gopro on Smartphone Gimbal w/o adpater│ZHIYUN Smooth 4/Q/3

Chung Dha teachs how to mount a GoPro or any similar action cams on the Zhiyun Smooth Mobile Phone gimbals without the need of an adapter
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A gimbal is a pivoted support that allows the rotation of an object about a single axis
A set of three gimbals, one mounted on the other with orthogonal pivot axes ...

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