► Samsung Series 3 BestBuy Laptop Bundle - Black Friday Unboxing

November 13, 2019

► Samsung Series 3 BestBuy Laptop Bundle - Black Friday Unboxing. BOYFRIEND BUY ME LAPTOP AND SAMSUNG PHONE 💋 09/03/2017

► Samsung Series 3 BestBuy Laptop Bundle - Black Friday Unboxing video duration 7 Minute(s) 12 Second(s), published by EposVox on 23 11 2012 - 21:00:32.

Chu and I stood in line for a few hours at best buy to get this laptop bundle for like $350, good deal! And I got Assassin's Creed 3 & Dishonored for $60 total Since I was given a little time with the Samsung Flash here at CES I figured I'd try and do a complete walkthrough on it for you guys
If you aren't familiar, .

Unboxing and Initial Review of the Samsung Notebook 9 Where to Buy: samsungtabs4 #Samsungtab #SamsungGalaxyTabS4 This Video Show you the game changer that Samsung implemented in Their new Tab S4 ▽ Samsung

Chu and I stood in line for a few hours at best buy to get this laptop bundle for like $350, good deal! And I got Assassin's Creed 3 & Dishonored for $60 total (normally $60 each!)! I was satisfied, even though I'm low on cash again until I get paid in 2 weekssigh.
Want to see Let's Plays of those games?
I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving.

PokeMMO went up earlier!

Edited w/ Premiere Pro CC: https://goo.gl/rJwkQj

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