iPhone XR vs. iPhone X – Was ist besser? Vergleich! (deutsch)

November 24, 2019

iPhone XR vs. iPhone X – Was ist besser? Vergleich! (deutsch). IPHONE XR UNBOXING REVIEW || PHILIPPINES

iPhone XR vs. iPhone X – Was ist besser? Vergleich! (deutsch) video duration 4 Minute(s) 1 Second(s), published by TechnikFreundYT on 07 07 2019 - 09:13:19.

Meine Antwort auf eine viel gestellte Frage
Viel Spaß! Mein iPhone XR Review: https://youtu.be/Kw-n-RQdJIc iPhone XR: Alle Farben: https://youtu.be/ .... 'm normally not an extensive iPhone user, which made this review all the more interesting for me and I think will also make it more interesting for you.

Thanks for watching! You must go for iPhone Xr Black colour as it looks premium..
Buy Xr here- Apple iPhone XR (128GB) - Black .... please like and subscribe my channel for future product review https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07HTKQN7V?tag=husen786-21 - SUPCASE [Unicorn Beetle .... Thank you so much for watching Like Comment Share Subscribe If u like this typre of videos subscribe now Support Filipino Vloggers Peace.

Meine Antwort auf eine viel gestellte Frage. Viel Spaß!

Mein iPhone XR Review: https://youtu.be/Kw-n-RQdJIc
iPhone XR: Alle Farben: https://youtu.be/hga8SoAWbxc

INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/technikfreundyt
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/JonasElia_

Mein Equipment:
* Kamera: http://amzn.to/29h6Hac
* Standard-Objektiv: http://amzn.to/29ghMZH
* Bokeh-Objektiv: http://amzn.to/29kggJn
* Weitwinkel-Objektiv: http://amzn.to/29mkuOr
* Stativ: http://amzn.to/29kfZGk
* Stativkopf: http://amzn.to/29iPmmO
* Softboxen: http://amzn.to/29kfoEF
* Mikrofon: http://amzn.to/29kh8hh
* Laptop: http://amzn.to/29gggGT
* Monitor: http://amzn.to/29iPClO
* Drohne: https://www.gearbest.com/rc-quadcopters/pp_363299.html?wid=1433363&lkid=15127260
Schnittprogramm: Final Cut Pro X

Mein Wallpaper-Ordner: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1RAMzYnLM8ljh6czAscMdWqFc9zXgTkWb

Business Inquiries: technikfreundyt@gmail.com

Mich unterstützen: http://bit.ly/1gmSS7o

* Affiliate Link: Kauft Ihr ein Produkt über diesen Link, bekomme ich eine kleine Provision - natürlich habt Ihr dadurch keine Nachteile! :)

Musik: Shindy – Road2Goat

iTunes: https://music.apple.com/de/album/road2goat-single/1454403934


Other Video about iPhone XR vs. iPhone X – Was ist besser? Vergleich! (deutsch):

SUPCASE [Unicorn Beetle Series] Case for iPhone XR , Premium Hybrid Protective TPU and PC Clear C..

SUPCASE [Unicorn Beetle Series] Case for iPhone XR , Premium Hybrid Protective TPU and PC Clear C..

please like and subscribe my channel for future product review https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07HTKQN7V?tag=husen786-21 - SUPCASE [Unicorn Beetle ...



Thank you so much for watching Like Comment Share Subscribe If u like this typre of videos subscribe now Support Filipino Vloggers Peace.

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iPhone XR Review in 2019 - An Android User’s Perspective

'm normally not an extensive iPhone user, which made this review all the more interesting for me and I think will also make it more interesting for you.

iPhone XR unboxing (Should you buy in 2019?)

iPhone XR unboxing (Should you buy in 2019?)

Thanks for watching! You must go for iPhone Xr Black colour as it looks premium..
Buy Xr here- Apple iPhone XR (128GB) - Black ...

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