Lunchtime with my Gear VR - Unboxing the Samsung Gear VR Controller and Playing Dead and Buried. Gun Sight VR Gear VR with Gear VR Controller support gameplay and review
Lunchtime with my Gear VR - Unboxing the Samsung Gear VR Controller and Playing Dead and Buried video duration 10 Minute(s) 26 Second(s), published by vrgamerdude on 22 05 2017 - 21:13:08.
So today I finally got my Gear VR motion controller and I have to say this has made a huge difference in my enjoyment of using my Gear VR! This has brought the Erste Schritte in der virtuellen Realität: Wie du mit Kopfbewegungen und Wischgesten deine Gear VR with Controller steuern kannst
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Gear VR from Samsung has been around for while now and in it's forth revision with the addition of a VR controller, has this now become the definitive and Bait Gear VR with Gear VR Controller support gameplay and review
All free maps Bait for Samsung Gear VR is a fun and challenge VR fishing game
You have Gun Sight for Samsung Gear VR bring you back to an action arcade scrolling shooting with a nice beautiful graphic and character design
But the action is non .
So today I finally got my Gear VR motion controller and I have to say this has made a huge difference in my enjoyment of using my Gear VR! This has brought the Gear VR one step closer in feature parity to the Oculus Rift. The tracking on the controller was rock solid and just having the ability to point and aim in a shooter like Dead and Buried really brought it to life and increased my immersion into the game. Obviously a controller or better yet a pair of them that are positional tracked would have been ideal but this is a good first step towards bridging the gap between PC and mobile VR. All I can say is that if you have the Gear VR and still have yet to grab the new controller DO IT! For a small price of $40 you will be amazed at just how much it adds to the experience.
Game play starts at 3:25
* - Sorry for the weird frame rate on parts of the video. IDK what happened but I tried to render it twice and got the same result. The game play portion of the video seems to be mostly fine though.
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Bait Gear VR with Gear VR Controller support gameplay and reviewAll free maps Bait for Samsung Gear VR is a fun and challenge VR fishing game
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Gun Sight for Samsung Gear VR bring you back to an action arcade scrolling shooting with a nice beautiful graphic and character designBut the action is non .

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Erste Schritte in der virtuellen Realität: Wie du mit Kopfbewegungen und Wischgesten deine Gear VR with Controller steuern kannstFolge uns: Website: .

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