[Hindi-Audio]-Samsung INR18650-30Q Li-ion Cell for DIY Projects, Power tools, Laptop Battery etc.

February 03, 2020

[Hindi-Audio]-Samsung INR18650-30Q Li-ion Cell for DIY Projects, Power tools, Laptop Battery etc Jump starting a flat car battery with 18650s Samsung inr 18650 m15

[Hindi-Audio]-Samsung INR18650-30Q Li-ion Cell for DIY Projects, Power tools, Laptop Battery etc. video duration 3 Minute(s) 50 Second(s), published by BCD Technology on 29 04 2016 - 12:22:47.

BCD Tech -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "Moto G4 Plus Scratch, Bend & Water Resistance Testssssss" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkg28dRJXQ0 iJoy Captain PD270 iJoy 20700 3000mah Battery Lifespan vs Samsung 25R 18650 2500mAh Battery Lifespan REVIEW ! Can purchase the iJoy Captain PD270 .

Compare the original and fake Samsung 30Q battery
The original is from Gearbest, a fake from the Liitokala store (aliexpress)
The faulty accumulator has no only put 680mah back in to fully recharge the cell!!!!! Please take a moment to subscribe and leave your questions and comments below, Help support the only put 680mah back in to fully recharge the cell!!!!! Please take a moment to subscribe and leave your questions and comments below, Help support the .

BCD Tech

Please watch: \

Other Video about [Hindi-Audio]-Samsung INR18650-30Q Li-ion Cell for DIY Projects, Power tools, Laptop Battery etc.:

Jump starting a flat car battery with 18650s Samsung inr 18650 m15

Jump starting a flat car battery with 18650s Samsung inr 18650 m15

only put 680mah back in to fully recharge the cell!!!!! Please take a moment to subscribe and leave your questions and comments below, Help support the .

Jump starting a flat car battery with 18650s Samsung inr 18650 m15

Jump starting a flat car battery with 18650s Samsung inr 18650 m15

only put 680mah back in to fully recharge the cell!!!!! Please take a moment to subscribe and leave your questions and comments below, Help support the .

iJoy Captain PD270 iJoy 20700 3000mah Battery Lifespan vs Samsung 25R 18650 2500mah Lifespan REVIEW!

iJoy Captain PD270 iJoy 20700 3000mah Battery Lifespan vs Samsung 25R 18650 2500mah Lifespan REVIEW!

iJoy Captain PD270 iJoy 20700 3000mah Battery Lifespan vs Samsung 25R 18650 2500mAh Battery Lifespan REVIEW ! Can purchase the iJoy Captain PD270 .

Fake Samsung INR 18650 30Q

Fake Samsung INR 18650 30Q

Compare the original and fake Samsung 30Q battery
The original is from Gearbest, a fake from the Liitokala store (aliexpress)
The faulty accumulator has no .

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