An Introduction to the Art of Smartphone Filmmaking. Smartphone Filmmaking Tips | Rolling Tape
An Introduction to the Art of Smartphone Filmmaking video duration 4 Minute(s) 9 Second(s), published by on 09 12 2015 - 10:45:41.
Heres a question for you
are you a storyteller? Well in this video Imran Azam argues that whatever your background or profession we are all storytellers
we all ....
. Hers's a list of Accessories that will help you shoot videos from your smartphone professionally
Affordable Camera/ Filmmaking Gears : .... Fran Jago, founder of 'Get Ahead Media' joins us with four tips to improve the quality of your smartphone videos
Rolling Tape explores the world of indie film ...
Heres a question for you; are you a storyteller? Well in this video Imran Azam argues that whatever your background or profession we are all storytellers; we all wish to communicate and connect in order to share ideas and open up new opportunities. Storytelling is about communication and communication is about connecting…and when you connect you become more productive. But how can you best achieve this?
Online Video: The King of Content
By 2017 70% of online traffic will be in the form of video and is already the most popular way of communicating online. So if video is the Up until a few years ago video production was the mainstay of professionals with specialist equipment but as Imran demonstrates this is no longer the case; if you own a smartphone then you already have access to a fully fledged film production studio ready to deliver broadcast quality creative compelling video on tap.
In this blog post Imran demonstrates the incredible filmmaking capability and versatility of the humble smartphone and challenges you to make your own.
About Imran Azam
Based in Manchester Imran is the founder of creative social video agency, a digital communications strategist and the Media Director at Imran also runs ‘The Art of Smartphone Filmmaking’ monthly Meetup where bloggers, brands, agencies, filmmakers and journalists come together to learn how to produce broadcast quality films produced, edited and published solely on a smartphone.
This video was filmed, edited and published on smartphones by within 24h. is a smartphone only video consultancy providing creative content solutions and training for agencies, startups, established brands and charities.
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contact / hello [at] thisisreel [dot] co
Imran Azam - the founder of - runs the monthly ‘Art of Smartphone Filmmaking' meetups across the UK.
Join him here and release the power of the smartphone in your pocket!
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London /
Manchester /
Want to start a smartphone filmmaking community where you are? Get in touch and lets make it happen!
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Smartphone Filmmaking Tips | Rolling Tape
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