How to make Touch Stylus Pen |Touch Screen Pen for all Phones/Tablet. Pake Smartphone Butuh Stylus? Review Stylus Adonit
How to make Touch Stylus Pen |Touch Screen Pen for all Phones/Tablet video duration 2 Minute(s) 52 Second(s), published by Creative Etc. on 27 10 2017 - 12:32:59.
Easy Ways to make Homemade Smart phone/ tablet stylus pen or spen .Here I used metal body pen cotton ,etc
It is better to dip the cotton nib into water
Best stylus smartphones for 2019 Other Videos Best Rugged Smartphones smartphones with logest batter life .
Cara Dan Trik Membuat Pen Smartphone "Stylus Pen" Untuk Semua Android Kritik dan saran sangat di harapkan agar channel ini tetap berkarya dan Tutorial Membuat Stylus Pen (Pencil Smartphone) Murah Dan Mudah Untuk bahan bahan nya adalah
1.Bulpen 2.tembaga 3.air 4.cotton bud 5
Silet Dan jan Nih toko resminya Adonit, dijamin ori Klo mau belanja di toko official SobatHAPE :!/stores/SobatHAPE/ Twiiter .
Easy Ways to make Homemade Smart phone/ tablet stylus pen or spen .Here I used metal body pen cotton ,etc.
It is better to dip the cotton nib into water.
Thank you.
Other Video about How to make Touch Stylus Pen |Touch Screen Pen for all Phones/Tablet:

Tutorial Membuat Stylus Pen (Pencil Smartphone) Murah Dan Mudah
Tutorial Membuat Stylus Pen (Pencil Smartphone) Murah Dan Mudah Untuk bahan bahan nya adalah1.Bulpen 2.tembaga 3.air 4.cotton bud 5
Silet Dan jan .

Pake Smartphone Butuh Stylus? Review Stylus Adonit
Nih toko resminya Adonit, dijamin ori Klo mau belanja di toko official SobatHAPE :!/stores/SobatHAPE/ Twiiter .
Best stylus smartphones for 2019
Best stylus smartphones for 2019 Other Videos Best Rugged Smartphones smartphones with logest batter life .
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