Smartphone projector

October 30, 2019

Smartphone projector. How To Build Simple Smartphone Projector DIY

Smartphone projector video duration 2 Minute(s) 46 Second(s), published by tech one on 30 04 2018 - 11:12:46.

We can make a working projector using magnifying glass , box
In the next video i will show the working of projector
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Please share and Review and how to assemble this budget friendly portable smartphone projector (
It makes for a fun diy projector project with kids, and is .

With this smartphone you can project images, movies and videos even business files on the big screen
Coming soon on Indiegogo The only thing you need to build this, is a box of any size and a magnifying glass! Saw this project on pinterest, So got curious and wanted to test it Today I want to show amazing diy project for kids
In this project we have made simple projector for smartphone which is working good :) Please subscribe to our .

We can make a working projector using magnifying glass , box. In the next video i will show the working of projector . Thanks for watching . Please share and subscribe

Other Video about Smartphone projector:

Making a smartphone projector with a box, Does it really work?

Making a smartphone projector with a box, Does it really work?

The only thing you need to build this, is a box of any size and a magnifying glass! Saw this project on pinterest, So got curious and wanted to test it.

How To Build Simple Smartphone Projector DIY

How To Build Simple Smartphone Projector DIY

Today I want to show amazing diy project for kids
In this project we have made simple projector for smartphone which is working good :) Please subscribe to our .

Fun Smartphone Projector Kit:  Review & Assembly

Fun Smartphone Projector Kit: Review & Assembly

Review and how to assemble this budget friendly portable smartphone projector (
It makes for a fun diy projector project with kids, and is .

RoamCat Smartphone Projector

RoamCat Smartphone Projector

With this smartphone you can project images, movies and videos even business files on the big screen
Coming soon on Indiegogo.

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