July 20, 2019

REVIEW SAMSUNG 4K NU7100K SMART TV indonesia HD. Samsung 43" SUPER Ultra-Wide Curved Monitor Unboxing (CJ89)

REVIEW SAMSUNG 4K NU7100K SMART TV indonesia HD video duration 8 Minute(s) 43 Second(s), published by Hisar Suganda on 05 09 2018 - 18:37:04.

tv ini tersedia dalam ukuran #43NU7100K #49NU7100K #55NU7100K #65NU7100K Spesifikasi TV : - 4k resolusi 3840x2160 - smart tv by TIZEN os - wifi Hello everyone, Want to buy best led tv in india 2019 or want your old tv to upgrade to best 4k tv in india 2019
Here we have complied top 3 best tv in india that .

Samsung Series 7 43NU7100 best buy - #TVReviews #TechnicalKoushik #SamsungSmartTV Please watch: "Samsung Galaxy Fit e Unboxing & Review Know The Pros & Cons | Hindi" ~ In this video, Unboxing the Samsung C43J89 43 inch SUPER Ultra-Wide Curved Monitor
Thanks to Samsung for sponsoring this video
▻BUY on Amazon - UK: .

tv ini tersedia dalam ukuran


Spesifikasi TV :
- 4k resolusi 3840x2160
- smart tv by TIZEN os
- wifi connection dan lan RJ45
- daya Listrik tv yg di review 43 inch 115W
- screen mirroring, slim bezzel
- digital tv dvb-t2
- usb movie HD dan 4k (support hdd 2tb)
- hdmi x 3, usb x 2, av component by aux
- audio out optical audio only
- garansi 2 tahun

silahkan bertanya utk fitur lebih lanjut
maaf jika pertanyaan agak lambat di jawab tp saya usahakan pasti di jawab.

terima kasih yg sudah nonton review nya
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dan bantu channel ini dengan SUBSCRIBE agar bisa me review banyak lagi produk elektronik yg ada di indonesia

next akan review comparison antara LG dan SAMSUNG 4K
stay Tuned!!!

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Which Are The Best Budget 43 Inches Android 4K HDR TVs 2019?

Please watch: "Samsung Galaxy Fit e Unboxing & Review Know The Pros & Cons | Hindi" ~ In this video, .

Samsung 43" SUPER Ultra-Wide Curved Monitor Unboxing (CJ89)

Samsung 43" SUPER Ultra-Wide Curved Monitor Unboxing (CJ89)

Unboxing the Samsung C43J89 43 inch SUPER Ultra-Wide Curved Monitor
Thanks to Samsung for sponsoring this video
▻BUY on Amazon - UK: .

Best LED TV in India 2019 under Rs 60000 (Hindi)

Best LED TV in India 2019 under Rs 60000 (Hindi)

Hello everyone, Want to buy best led tv in india 2019 or want your old tv to upgrade to best 4k tv in india 2019
Here we have complied top 3 best tv in india that .

Samsung Series 7 43NU7100 | 43 inch Ultra HD - 4K LED Smart TV

Samsung Series 7 43NU7100 | 43 inch Ultra HD - 4K LED Smart TV

Samsung Series 7 43NU7100 best buy - #TVReviews #TechnicalKoushik #SamsungSmartTV .

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