iPhone 4S vs Samsung Galaxy S 2 - Camera Comparison

July 17, 2019

iPhone 4S vs Samsung Galaxy S 2 - Camera Comparison. Samsung Galaxy S sample on Globe Hub [3/3]

iPhone 4S vs Samsung Galaxy S 2 - Camera Comparison video duration 2 Minute(s) 28 Second(s), published by jRin.net on 01 11 2011 - 18:09:37.

jRin.net compares the video recordings from an iPhone 4S and a Samsung Galaxy S 2
I attached the two phones, one above the other, on a piece of cardboard .... http://www.thebluedot.net Here at TheBlueDot.net we are reviewing the Best Verizon Phones! TheBlueDot.net review for the Samsung Galaxy S Fascinate i500 ...

Brief video and my first impression of the Samsung Galaxy S i9000 on ATT with 3g.. CONTACT FOR INQUIRIES ABOUT UNSUPPORTED BRICKED PHONES..
http://mobiletechvideos.mybigcommerce.com/contact/ .... http://blog.roiji.info/samsung-galaxy-s-now-available-on-globe-for-pre-order Menu grid-view, menu list view
Samsung Galaxy S hands-on on Globe Business ...

jRin.net compares the video recordings from an iPhone 4S and a Samsung Galaxy S 2. \r
I attached the two phones, one above the other, on a piece of cardboard in order to try to have them to record the same thing at the same time. However, it's obviously not perfect, as the Galaxy S 2 seems to have a slightly wider angle, plus they weren't in the exact same position. (I had to move the galaxy s 2 portion of the clip up in order for it to better match with what the iPhone 4S was showing - not a limitation of either phone, just a limitation of the 'test'.)\r
Also note that both videos were taken in 1920x1080, but unfortunately my video editing software will only encode in 1280x720 max.\r
To see my full camera comparison review, check out http://www.jrin.net/2011_11_01/iphone-4s-vs-samsung-galaxy-s2-camera-comparison

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