Samsung Galaxy S II GT-I9100 ThunderBolt Rom JB V2 AOKP CM10

June 24, 2019

Samsung Galaxy S II GT-I9100 ThunderBolt Rom JB V2 AOKP CM10. SlimBean ROM for Rooted Galaxy S2! [AT&T/T-Mobile/GT-i9100]

Samsung Galaxy S II GT-I9100 ThunderBolt Rom JB V2 AOKP CM10 video duration 22 Minute(s) 36 Second(s), published by hypnobabes on 18 09 2012 - 21:14:14.

AOKP - CM 10 Rom Siyah 4.1.4 Dorimanx 5.7.3 Dream 2.7.2 Aroma Touch Installer [AROMA] 2 Kernels selection (siyah,dream) ES file Explorer [AROMA] Solid Scrolling and back-forward buttons working without any hassle
My first test, so mind the erratic movements, just trying out what works and what dowsn't.

A Review of the JellyBam ROM 8.3 for the Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-i9100 Article: Don't forget to click the like button and subscribe button on top, it only takes a Scrolling and back-forward buttons working without any hassle
My first test, so mind the erratic movements, just trying out what works and what dowsn't Here's a quick overview of SlimBean ROM for rooted Galaxy S2 Android smartphone users, available for AT&T SGH-i777, T-Mobile SGH-T989, and GT-i9100 .

AOKP - CM 10 Rom
Siyah 4.1.4
Dorimanx 5.7.3
Dream 2.7.2

Aroma Touch Installer
[AROMA] 2 Kernels selection (siyah,dream)
ES file Explorer [AROMA]
Solid File Explorer [AROMA]
DSP Manager [AROMA]
ExTweaks with the kernels
Flash Player
Xperia S theme in themes
Xperia S Home,Keyboard,Widgets and the gallery but its on extra apps
Polaris Office
Samsung Apps,Task manager
Popup messaging

Dont use the xperia launchers while using experia theme
there is a problem in it will be fixed in v3

For more information and download links please see:

For more information on samsung galaxy s2 ferer to the following link:

Rom by ALHussein Mohammed

Other Video about Samsung Galaxy S II GT-I9100 ThunderBolt Rom JB V2 AOKP CM10:

Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-I9100 + Logitech MX1000 Bluetooth

Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-I9100 + Logitech MX1000 Bluetooth

Scrolling and back-forward buttons working without any hassle
My first test, so mind the erratic movements, just trying out what works and what dowsn't.

SlimBean ROM for Rooted Galaxy S2! [AT&T/T-Mobile/GT-i9100]

SlimBean ROM for Rooted Galaxy S2! [AT&T/T-Mobile/GT-i9100]

Here's a quick overview of SlimBean ROM for rooted Galaxy S2 Android smartphone users, available for AT&T SGH-i777, T-Mobile SGH-T989, and GT-i9100 .

Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-I9100 + Logitech MX1000 Bluetooth

Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-I9100 + Logitech MX1000 Bluetooth

Scrolling and back-forward buttons working without any hassle
My first test, so mind the erratic movements, just trying out what works and what dowsn't.

JellyBam ROM 8.3 ROM Review for the Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-i9100

JellyBam ROM 8.3 ROM Review for the Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-i9100

A Review of the JellyBam ROM 8.3 for the Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-i9100 Article: Don't forget to click the like button and subscribe button on top, it only takes a .

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