Samsung Galaxy S II GT-I9100 SGS2 RGUI NDT GT-I9100 ICS B7 MIUI 4.0.3. Kraken AMS Series - Samsung Galaxy S II Demo
Samsung Galaxy S II GT-I9100 SGS2 RGUI NDT GT-I9100 ICS B7 MIUI 4.0.3 video duration 19 Minute(s) 49 Second(s), published by hypnobabes on 01 05 2012 - 23:07:13.
MIUI rom based on Android v4.0.3 MIUI Launcher & Apex launcher included APN for almost all networks
3G/Data/Audio/Bluetooth/GPS/Phone/ Hosts file to Base: AOKP Build-35 Android 4.0.4 Modem: DXLP9 Kernel: Siyah-v3.2.1 Omega Files AOKP v0.1 (kitchen application) Rom is call recorder ready ES File .
Find out our extended battery for Samsung Galaxy S II product review here
Actual thickess of the bundle set is measured clearly
The battery for Motorola Samsung Galaxy S II GT-I9100 running Omega rom ICS v4.0 XXLPH Android 4.0.3 Rom is based on XXLPH leak rom of Android 4.0.3 (ICS) by INDIE Based on Demo of the Kraken A.M.S
case for the Samsung Galxy S II
Purchase the Kraken A.M.S
case: AT&T Version: .
MIUI rom based on Android v4.0.3
MIUI Launcher & Apex launcher included
APN for almost all networks.
Hosts file to block web adverts.
USB File Transfer working
WIFI Tethering/USB Tethering
Root permission available under Superuser/permissions app
Download links and more info on this rom at the following address:
For more information on samsung galaxy s2 ferer to the following link:
Rom by gh.rohit
Changelog ICS B7:-
1. Faster GPS lock
2. Inbuilt Root Permissions
3. Added 3way reboot
4. init.d script support
5. Improved Scrolling FPS
5. Better video streaming
6. Wireless speed increased
7. Deeper sleep/better battery life
8. Smoother scrolling
9. Hardware Rendering of the GUI
10. Video Quality increased
11. No ads in apps
12 Better Vm management memory tweaks so that your apps perform better
13 The Loopy smoothness tweak!Make your launcher and system UI smoother
14 Zippaligning and Verify-Bytecode tweak!More free and Less RAM usage
15 SD card tweaks!Tired of slow read/write speed?This is gonna make it Rapid :P
16 Sysctl.Conf file! Kernel tweaks for more battery life and slightly more performance!
17 Less lag in phone calls
18 Better scrolling in contacts/menus/folders
19 Smoother live wallpapers!!
20 System processes priority tweaks (phone,sms etc)Makes switching between them faster!!
21 Build.prop tweaking script for battery/performance etc.
22 Optimized sqlite and I/O tweaks for better quadrant scores
23 Video acceleration enabled
24 Overall performance/responsiveness increase
25 Few tweaks for better battery life
26 Wireless speed increases
27 Better video streaming
Other Video about Samsung Galaxy S II GT-I9100 SGS2 RGUI NDT GT-I9100 ICS B7 MIUI 4.0.3:

Samsung Galaxy S II GT-I9100 Omega rom ICS v4.0 XXLPH Android 4.0.3
Samsung Galaxy S II GT-I9100 running Omega rom ICS v4.0 XXLPH Android 4.0.3 Rom is based on XXLPH leak rom of Android 4.0.3 (ICS) by INDIE Based on .
Kraken AMS Series - Samsung Galaxy S II Demo
Demo of the Kraken A.M.Scase for the Samsung Galxy S II
Purchase the Kraken A.M.S
case: AT&T Version: .

Samsung Galaxy S II GT-I9100 Omega rom ICS AOKP v2.0 Build_35 Android v4.0.4
Base: AOKP Build-35 Android 4.0.4 Modem: DXLP9 Kernel: Siyah-v3.2.1 Omega Files AOKP v0.1 (kitchen application) Rom is call recorder ready ES File .
Extended Battery for Samsung Galaxy S II, Galaxy S2, GT-I9100 selling at
Find out our extended battery for Samsung Galaxy S II product review hereActual thickess of the bundle set is measured clearly
The battery for Motorola .
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